CZ to ENG/FR & ENG/FR to CZ translations
Hodinová sazba: pouze pro členy
Informace o dostupnosti: pouze pro členy
Ochota cestovat: Celý svět
Profesní stav: Freelancer
Poslední aktualizace: 4. 3. 2024
Celkové pracovní zkušenosti: 8 Rok/-y
Jazykové znalosti: Angličtina, Čeština, Francouzština, Arabština, Španělština, Slovenština,
Osobní představení
Happy to dive into freelance translation and/or correction and editing of academic and general texts from/to Czech/English/French. Experienced in news editing in ENG for multiple newspapers back in my university times. Solid and experience-backed skills in project management, programme development, finance and general operations (logistics, procurement, admin, HR). I would love to explore these areas in a setting other than the humanitarian aid. Lived, studied (MSc and MA) and worked in the UK for 5 years. Fluent in English, French, with intermediate Arabic (Levantine dialect and MSA). Worked in the media industry for a couple of years. Now down to my 6th year as a humanitarian professional and crisis and risk manager. I have lived and worked around the globe, i.e. DR Congo, Iraq, Syria Palestine, Zambia, Canada, France, the UK, Ukraine and others. Have some other interesting projects? Hit me up. Always up for new challenges.
translation ENG/FR/CZ6 Enterprise project management6 Překladatelství6 News editing6 Management consultancy4 Emergency and crisis advisory4Jazykové znalosti
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