Designer, illustrator

Designer, illustrator

Hodinová sazba: pouze pro členy

Informace o dostupnosti: pouze pro členy

Ochota cestovat: Celý svět

Profesní stav: Freelancer

Poslední aktualizace: 22. 2. 2024

Celkové pracovní zkušenosti:

Jazykové znalosti: Angličtina, Čeština, Ruština, Běloruština,

Osobní představení

Hello! I am a certified designer, illustrator and photographer. Looking for orders only for remote work, any employment, in touch 24/7 . I have been working in the field of advertising and sales on a freelance basis for 1.5 years. And in the field of creative graphic design for more than 4 years. I have my own marketing agency, where my team and I offer modern solutions for business. In my free time, I love working with branding, packaging design, and illustrations. I hope we can work together! Thank you for paying attention to my profile)

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