Překladatel, writer
Hodinová sazba: pouze pro členy
Informace o dostupnosti: pouze pro členy
Ochota cestovat: Na dotaz
Profesní stav: Student
Poslední aktualizace: 28. 7. 2024
Celkové pracovní zkušenosti:
Jazykové znalosti: Čeština, Angličtina,
Osobní představení
Hello, I was born in The Czech Republic, in spite of my Bulgarian name. I am currently a university student searching for any opportunity to gain valuable experience in fields of my passions or fields related to them - English, writing and text editing, translating, video editing, politics, psychology, music and movies. I would also be glad for offers concerning work in HR or management since I consider myself a capable problem solver. My love for language, psychology, politics but also art (mainly music and movies, because my talent for those I think of as useable on the market) is great and I am willing to put effort into cooperating with anyone or any company that offers a path to turning this passion into merit. Fruitful rest of the day to the dear reader.
hra na kytaru8 hra na klavír13 DaVinci Resolve1 Microsoft Word10 PowerPoint8 FL Studio DAW3Jazykové znalosti
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