Animator, Motion graphics, post production operator, storyboard, illustrator

Animator, Motion graphics, post production operator, storyboard, illustrator

Hodinová sazba: pouze pro členy

Dostupnost: pouze pro členy

Ochota cestovat: V místě bydliště

Profesní stav: Freelancer

Poslední aktualizace: 13. 8. 2024

Celkové pracovní zkušenosti:

Jazykové znalosti: Angličtina, Čeština, Španělština,

Osobní představení

I've been working professionally on visual arts for the past 20 years. Coming from comic books, got my first jobs as a storyboarder for cinema, then doing animatics and animations for ads, concept artist for some live action productions, and lately as a graphic designer. I graduated in two animation schools in Argentina: IDAC and Escuela Da Vinci. I also held a scholarship in Language and Arts at Charles University in Prague. I like to keep on exploring in a different range of styles: from the rough progressive and expressive animation to the clean looking vectors. I'm also looking forward to work more often as an illustrator. Residing in Prague, Czech Republic, I have worked as an art teacher in international schools, for film production companies and advertising agencies.

Jazykové znalosti


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