HR Manager / HR Project Manager

HR Manager / HR Project Manager

Hodinová sazba: pouze pro členy

Informace o dostupnosti: pouze pro členy

Ochota cestovat: Na dotaz

Profesní stav: Freelancer

Poslední aktualizace: 29. 11. 2024

Celkové pracovní zkušenosti:

Jazykové znalosti: Angličtina, Čeština,

Osobní představení

I am an enthusiastic, determined HR professional able to meet the needs of a changing organisation by being adaptable, resilient, pragmatic, and people focused. As a passionate HR professional, I create the brand of my company through excellent rapport with employees, candidates, and suppliers. I do believe that an employee is nothing without a company, and company is nothing without its people: they just need to understand each other and communicate.

Jazykové znalosti


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