Marketing Manager

Hodinová sazba: pouze pro členy

Informace o dostupnosti: pouze pro členy

Ochota cestovat: Na dotaz

Profesní stav: Freelancer

Poslední aktualizace: 3. 3. 2021

Celkové pracovní zkušenosti:

Jazykové znalosti: Angličtina, Francouzština, Čeština,

Osobní představení

One year agile mission, the digital transformation of a swiss health insurance. Launch of a new healthcare application. Responsible for the marketing "go to market" strategy. Market Analysis: Analysis of the market, market research (interviews, surveys, and focus groups), definition of buyer personas, buyers' journey, and customer needs. Product Management: Launch of the beta testing, roadmap execution, sprint planning, A/B testing, UX&UI design. Proposition on product improvements, implementation of user feedback. Partner management and product pricing. Marketing Strategy: Planning, organization, and execution of inbound marketing activities: brand, positioning and messaging, paid ads, landing page creation, SEO, blog, editorial plan, contents, newsletters, social media, influencer campaigns, webinars, case study, and event organization. Digital Advertisement: Management of agency, review of online advertising campaigns (Google Ads, Facebook Ads). Optimization and A/B testing. Data Analysis: Performance, results monitoring, data analytics, optimization, presentation of results, collection of best practices.

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