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Našli jsme 100 freelancerů pro kategorii Angular

Software Engineer

Hi! My name is Abel. I am very passionate and dedicated to my work. With 5 years experience as website developer, I have acquired the skills and knowledge necessary to make your project a success. I...

Bratislav, Slovensko

.NET 4 Spring 4 React 5 Angular 4

Konzultant & developer

Mám více než deset let zkušeností s tvorbou webových a mobilních aplikací, e-shopů a marketingem. Pracoval jsem pro společnosti jako Deloitte, Mondelez nebo Strana Svobodní. Mám silné dovednosti v...

Ostrava-Moravská Ostrava, Česká republika

HTML5 1 SQL 3 Less/Sass 3 JavaScript / TypeScript 3 J2EE 1 Docker / Kubernetes 1 Angular 2 Spring 1 MongoDB 2 Angular 3

Full Stack Developer | Frontend Development

I am a Full Stack Developer with over 15 years of experience in creating and managing web applications and projects. Although I have a broad skill set covering both front-end and back-end...

Orlová, Česká republika

HTML 17 CSS 17 PHP 15 JavaScript 17 Angular 7 TypeScript 7 Node.js 4 mySQL 13 jQuery 12 JSON 10

Full stack developer Angular, .Net, MSSQL

My focus is mostly of full stack web development, where I have most experience from the world of .Net (ideally .Net Core 2+), Angular (ideally 2+) etc. Excitement and passion of developing new...

Praha, Česká republika

.NET 4 Angular 2 MSSQL 2 .Net Core 1

(PART-TIME ONLY) Senior full stack developer - Java/Angular

Results-driven full stack senior developer with 12+ years of experience in designing and implementing software applications with main focus on Java, Spring Boot, and Angular.

Brno, Česká republika

Java 10 Angular 5 Spring 10 JavaScript 10 TypeScript 3

Frontend / Backend Developer (Angular, NodeJS, MsSQL, MongoDB)

Experienced Software Application Engineer with developing application for assembly lines and their central management. I using Angular, NodeJS, Docker, TypeScript, JavaSript, MsSQL, MySQL, MongoDB...

Lanškroun, Česká republika

Angular 1 Node.js 3 MS SQL 3 Docker 3

Java / Angular developer

Vyvojem full stack webovych aplikaci se zabyvam 4. rokem, hlavne ve Springu v kombinaci s Angularem. Jsem otveren jak fullstack, tak ciste backend vyvoji. Budu se tesit na spolecnou spolupraci.

Ostrava, Česká republika

Java 3 Spring 3 Spring Boot 3 Docker 3 Angular 3

Fullstack developer / Mobile developer / Business intelligence

Venujem sa hlavne projektom, ktorá uľahčujú život ľuďom na tejto planéte :). Nezáleží na technológii ale na projekte. Ak má projekt zmysel, je mi jedno aká technológia sa použije. Vo voľnom čase sa...

Košice, Slovensko

PHP 5 C# 3 Python 2 SQL 4 Business Intelligence 3 SCRUM 2 Android 1 iOS 1 Angular 2 Specflow 1

SW Architekt

I'm actively developing and designing software for about 10 years, while last 5 years with focus on SW and solution architecture. My main expertise is a fullstack development using Angular and...

Brno, Česká republika

Java 9 Angular 4 C# 2 C++ 2 UML 2 HTML5 4 Unreal Engine 1

Programátor (C#, .Net, Unity3D, Android, Java, SQL, Kotlin, Ionic, Dokerizace - Kubernetes)

Vystudována SŠ informatiky a Fakulta aplikovaných věd na ZČU. Od roku 2018 jako software developer na part-time. A po studiích od roku 2020 na fulltime až do dnešní doby. Během fulltime se snažím...

Plzeň, Česká republika

C# 5 Unity3D 5 Android 3 SQL 2 Jira 2 Kotlin 2 Základy dokerizace - kubernetes 1 Java 5 Angular 1 Ionic framework 1