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Našli jsme 156 freelancerů
IT consultant / Project/programme Manager
IT konsultant se zaměřením na projektový/programový management se znalostí celého cyklu vývoje sw (SDLC), především business/technology analýzy, testování SW, automatizace, change/incident...
Enterprise project management 15 Change management 5 Business analýza 7 Business Intelligence 3 Microsoft Power BI 2 SQL 10 Incident management 5 Application Support 10 Accounting 3 Reporting 5
English language teacher, proofreader and language editor
I am a native speaker of English and I have been working as a proofreader and English language editor in Brno for 8 years. I have also been working as an English language teacher for 11 years. I have...
Proofreading 8 Učení cizích jazyků 8
Node js React FullStack developer
Experienced Freelance with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in Node.js, JavaScript, MongoDB, Microsoft SQL Server, and React.js. Strong...
Node.js 5 React 3 Webové služby 4 Git 5 PHP 2 JavaScript 5 web scrapping 5
IT konzultant / Channel Sales Manager / Copywriter
From a young age, I have been a tech enthusiast, honing my skills to deeply understand customer needs and excel in PC hardware and technology. With over a decade of experience, I have a proven track...
Sales management 5 Klasický marketing 7 Copywriter 12 Account management 5
QA Lead/Senior QA Analyst
With over 15 years of experience in the software testing field, I have developed a strong foundation in quality assurance,. Over the years, I have gained extensive knowledge and experience, initially...
Agile SDLC 7 QA Automation 8 Jira 10 SCRUM 10 Requirements analyses 10
IT Business analyst
At ORIFLAME SOFTWARE, I`m reposnbile for delivering a robust system of microservices enhancing logistics and Last-Mile Delivery (LMD), integral to our market operations. With a Master's in Geography...
Integrations 5 Business analysis 3 Microservices 3 Microsoft Azure 3
Technology Build Specialist
Jsem student IT oboru a velký fanoušek počítačů a nových technologií. Mám zkušenosti s programováním v jazycích Python, PowerShell, HTML, CSS, SQL a PHP. Specializuji se na vývoj aplikací,...
Technology Build Specialist 2 Python 2
3D Medior Consultant
Jsem Filip, specialista na Unreal Engine a 3D grafiku s vášní pro tvorbu realistických prostředí, virtuální produkci a interaktivní AR/VR aplikace. Mám zkušenosti s vývojem na míru pro klienty z...
3D grafika 8 3D-Game Designer 5 Unreal Engine 5 Autodesk Maya 7 Substance Painter 6 Substance Designer 6 Fotogrametrie 2 Virtuální Produkce 2 XR Development 1
Personal CTO, PHP developer, IT consultant and one man softwarehouse
Nabízím široké znalosti v celé šíři procesu vývoje IT od konzultace business potřeb, přes analýzu, architekturu, vývoj, grafiku, UI/UX, testing, CI/CD deployment až po školení uživatelů, proaktivní...
Nette 12 PHP 17 Elastic 3 UML 13 SCRUM 8 ITIL 13 Linux implementace 15 Oracle Database 8 PL/SQL 8 Incident management 5
Professional mixologist
Hi there! My name is Libor, and I’m a professional bartender from the Czech Republic. I’ve gained experience working in diverse settings, from cozy cocktail bars to luxury hotel venues. Currently,...
Pohostinství a Mixologie 5 Gastronomie 5